
  Since the publication of the first edition of The Deleuze Dictionary in 2005 there has been a tremendous proliferation of scholarship that engages with the concepts and principles Deleuze developed throughout his life and in collaboration with Félix Guattari. As such when I was approached to revise and update the dictionary I was excited at the opportunity to respond to this growing scholarship. The challenge was how to continue with the spirit of the first edition as well as address some of the new scholarship in the field. I decided to focus on putting Deleuze's terms and concepts to work in some of the areas that had not been covered in the first edition, and primarily this was in the disciplines of architecture and science.
  In this new revised and expanded edition of The Deleuze Dictionary, the connectives continue to be the most important feature. This is because they encourage us to think about how the Deleuzian conceptual apparatus functions. To a certain degree I always conceived of the dictionary as an intervention of sorts. Put differently, the 'definitions' were not conceived of as a way to order reality; rather, I approached them as a destabilising condition. The question was, and still is, one of how to use Deleuzian concepts in such a way that they push the concrete conditions of what currently is in new and unforeseeable directions? That is, when I originally decided upon producing connectives with the definitions I was hoping to prompt the reader to literally get a sense of how the Deleuzian conceptual apparatus might intensify, activate, and tease out the affective potential of Deleuze's thinking. The hope was, and still is, that the connectives might disorganise the rigidity of a 'definition' by opening it up to its own internal difference. For these reasons, with this new expanded and revised edition I have been much more interested in producing more connectives than adding to the list of definitions. I should add at this point, this is not to say that there are no new definitions in the second edition. Two very important concepts that were not previously included - Assemblage and Fabulation - now appear in this new edition.
  I have had to remove some of the less used terms and concepts of the first edition to make way for a fresh influx of material. These edits are in no way a reflection upon the quality of work, they are purely the result of having to make room for new material. I have also used this as an opportunity to update the bibliography. The expanded bibliography includes recent scholarship in the area of Deleuze studies. I should add however, the bibliography is not intended to be exhaustive. It is quite simply a guide.
  Adrian Parr

The Deleuze dictionary. . 2010.

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