1Man Who Sold the World , Peter Doggett (2011)
No artist offered a more incisive and accurate portrait of the troubled landscape of the 1970s than David Bowie. Through his multi-faceted and inventive work, he encapsulated many of the social… 1275 руб2Piero di Cosimo: Visions Beautiful and Strange , Geronimus D. (2010)
Inverting rules with obvious relish, Florentine artist Piero di Cosimo (1462–1522) is known today—as he was in his own time—for his highly personal visual language, one capable of generating… 7355 руб3Strange Fascination: David Bowie , Buckley David (2010)
David Bowie is now into his fifth decade of making music. From his first hit single/Space Oddity', to his vital 21st-century albums Heathen and Reality, he remains the most influential rock star of… 575 руб4David Bowie is , Broackes Victoria (2013)
David Bowie is a pioneering artist and performer whose career has spanned nearly 50 years and brought him international acclaim. He has sold over 140 million albums, and been cited as a major… 3929 руб5The Pious Sex. Catholic Constructions of Masculinity and Femininity in Belgium, c. 1800 - 1940 , Tine Van Osselaer (2014)
Although women were called the pious sex much earlier, it was during the nineteenth century, when the differences between men and women were being made more explicit, that an intense bond between… 15276 руб6Turner , Bockemuhl Michael (2015)
As a blind person might see the world if the gift of sight were suddenly returned - this is how we might describe the effect of William Turner's paintings on the observer. John Ruskin, Turner's… 1028 руб7An Astronaut&# 039;s Guide to Life on Earth , Кристофер Хэдфилд (2015)
Colonel Chris Hadfield has spent decades training as an astronaut and has logged nearly 4, 000 hours in space. During this time he has broken into a Space Station with a Swiss army knife, disposed of… 329 грн (только Украина)8Руководство астронавта по жизни на Земле. Чему научили меня 4000 часов на орбите , Хэдфилд К. (2018)
Крис Хэдфилд провел в космосе почти 4000 часов и считается одним из самых опытных и популярных астронавтов в… 472 руб9Man Who Sold the World , Peter Doggett (2011)
No artist offered a more incisive and accurate portrait of the troubled landscape of the 1970s than David Bowie. Through his multi-faceted and inventive work, he encapsulated many of the social… 1570 грн (только Украина)10Strange Fascination: David Bowie , David Buckley (2014)
David Bowie is now into his fifth decade of making music. From his first hit single/Space Oddity`, to his vital 21st-century albums Heathen and Reality, he remains the most influential rock star of… 744 грн (только Украина)